Computer Mediated Communication and Organizational Culture: An Agent-Based Simulation Model

This paper examines the mutual relationship between the organizational use of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) and organizational culture (OC). CMC supplements communication among members of an organization to maintain the culture, especially when those persons cannot communicate by other means. On the other hand, a strong OC allows a more effective use of CMC by providing members with some of the necessary common ground to better understand the information exchanged. These relationships are investigated using an agent-based model (ABM). Our ABM incorporates many partial theories into a coherent and fully defined model, which helps formalize and integrate those theories. Although we have empirically validated the ABM, our model allows us to go beyond what can easily be done using empirical research, such as analyzing non-linearities and interaction effects. Additionally, the ABM allows us to investigate dynamics and generate hypotheses that could then be tested using empirical studies. In this paper, we present some of the results of the ABM that show that OC can influence the effectiveness of CMC and that CMC can help maintain and stabilize a culture.