[The value of radiotherapy in the treatment of Pancoast tumor of the lung].
In a retrospective study 48 patients with sulcus-superior-tumors were treated between 1982 and 1992. The patients were divided into three treatment groups. Group I (n = 6) received palliative irradiation because of distant metastasis. Group II (n = 22) was treated with irradiation alone and group III (n = 20) received preoperative radiation therapy, 15 patients out of this group received a postoperative radiotherapy. The median doses were 56 Gy (group II) and 58.25 Gy (group III). Only in the combined treated group long-term survivors were found (18% five-year-survival). Our results show a benefit for the combined treated patients on a low significant level. For the interpretation of the results it has to be taken into account, that there was a "selection bias" for the combined treated group.