ISDN and IN working together : Network intelligence

This paper shows how IN services can be enhanced by using ISDN principles and signalling. It includes an introduction to the way in which ISDN and its supplementary services interwork with IN-based services and the associated problems which can be overcome. The main part of the paper discusses opportunities for the use of ISDN signalling to convey messaging to the user to enhance usability and to enable new and more advanced services to be offered. This includes a description of screen-phones. The paper goes on to show the benefits of the combination of a strong signalling link, a screen-phone anda well designed user interface on the use of services over an IN. Examples are given of how such an interface would make services intuitive to use, which would otherwise be very difficult over POTS interfaces. The paper concludes by looking towards future applications and how this type of interface and signalling architecture could be a powerful way of controlling multimedia applications