Teaching Foreign Language Military Discourse

. This article examines the role of military discourse in foreign language education. The issue of the necessity to create a special technique of preparing military interpreters at civilian higher education institutions is raised. Different approaches to defining discourse are examined and compared. The issue of correlation between the notions of “discourse” and "text" is examined and the characteristics and interrelation of these notions are established. A definition of the linguistic persona of a military interpreter is introduced, and the relation-ship and characteristics of the speech portrait and linguistic persona of a military interpreter are studied in order to better understand the processes behind the formation of the professional foreign-language communication competence of a military interpreter and, consequently, to improve teaching techniques. The central role of institutional discourse in the development of the linguistic persona of the military interpreter is being substantiated. The characteristics of military institutional discourse in the context of forming professional foreign-language communication competence are examined. The conclusion is made that military institutional discourse is one of the most distinctive types of institutional discourse, with all the basic proper-ties of formalism, institutionality and rituality. It is argued that the process of training military interpreters should focus on the development of the professional foreign-language communication competence of the military interpreter as the main one in the performance of professional duties. At the same time, it is noted that the emphasis should be placed not on the logic of organizing the educational material, but on the logic of the modus operandi of the students themselves in order to increase their motivation and ensure deeper immersion in the discur-sive environment studied. Thus, the successful acquisition by students of all aspects of military discourse will form the professional foreign-language communication competence of the military interpreter, which is one of the most important factors ensuring the competency of a specialist in the language support of military activities.

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