발터 그로피우스의 작품에 반영된 독일 근대 주거의 계획쟁점

In Germany, during the modern architectural movements diverse experiments for the propagation of modern housing solutions were conducted that succeeded to the spirit of Bauhaus. Therefore, the study traced how Walter Gropius adopted the trends of architectural style and aesthetic, the concept of production, the concept for new typology of housing, and issues in urban architecture. According to the results, processes to the ‘sachlich’ style could be seen in the cases of early and latter works of detached houses and further aesthetic changes of later works. Second, Gropius expanded his design field from detached houses to multiple dwelling and it was accompanied by typological transformation of buildings considering the industrialization and production of housing. Third, in the cases of multiple dwelling, it could be identified that site planning of housing complexes and building arrangement reflected a shift from traditional urban pattern to new alternatives suitable for mass housing supply. Thus, changes in the genealogy and propensity of German residential designs were partly summed up and their implications on modern housing architecture were discussed.