Multiple functional domains of Tat, the trans-activator of HIV-1, defined by mutational analysis.

The tat gene of HIV-1 is a potent trans-activator of gene expression from the HIV long terminal repeat (LTR). To define the functionally important regions of the product of the tat gene (Tat) of HIV-1, deletion, linker insertion and single amino acid substitution mutants within the Tat coding region of strain SF2 were constructed. The effect of these mutations on trans-activation was assessed by measuring the expression of the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter gene linked to the HIV-LTR. These studies have revealed that four different domains of the protein that map within the N-terminal 56 amino acid region are essential for Tat function. In addition to the essential domains, an auxiliary domain that enhances the activity of the essential region has also been mapped between amino acid residues 58 and 66. One of the essential domains maps in the N-terminal 20 amino acid region. The other three essential domains are highly conserved among the various strains of HIV-1 and HIV-2 as well as simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). Of the conserved domains, one contains seven Cys residues and single amino acid substitutions for several Cys residues indicate that they are essential for Tat function. The second conserved domain contains a Lys X Leu Gly Ile X Tyr motif in which the Lys residue is essential for trans-activation and the other residues are partially essential. The third conserved domain is strongly basic and appears to play a dual role. Mutants lacking this domain are deficient in trans-activation and in efficient targeting of Tat to the nucleus and nucleolus. The combination of the four essential domains and the auxiliary domain contribute to the near full activity observed with the 101 amino acid Tat protein.

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