The Dimensions That Affect the Students’ Low Accumulative Average in Tafila Technical University

Abstract This study aimed at investigating the dimensions that affect student’s low accumulative averages leadingto earning academic warning. The sample of study consisted of 108 students including 68 males and 40 females. Allsubjects of the sample were identified as receiving academic warning by the end of the second semester for the year2007/2008 at Tafila Technical University (TTU) in the south of Jordan. A valid and reliable questionnaire of 20 itemscovering three dimensions (personal, social, and academic) was used. The findings of the study showed that bothpersonal and social dimensions were the most prominent dimensions affecting the student’s low accumulativeaverages and then come the academic dimension. Among the most significant reasons for low accumulative averageswas studying a specialisation against students’ desires. It also showed that there were no statistically significantdifferences between male and female students attributed to student gender. There was no statistically significantdifference between students attributed to specialisation (scientific, humanities). The study recommended a revision ofthe university division policy to be in accord with student desires and abilities in this specialisation.