BRAC 2005 Implementation Decision Support Tools

Abstract : This project was a West Point Department of Systems Engineering cadet research project sponsored by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installation Analysis who, in coordination with the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management's Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Division, requested three related but distinct project tasks. The first task was a historical analysis of the Army's BRAC implementation performance. The second task was to develop a "BRAC Installation Complexity Matrix" which would be used by BRAC 2005 implementation planners to assess the difficulty at each installation of realigning missions, closing the base, and disposing of excess property. The third task was to develop BRAC 2005 implementation performance measures. To perform these tasks, we reviewed reports on past BRAC rounds, interviewed key stakeholders, and collected data on past BRAC rounds. Based on our research, we identified possible hypotheses about factors that influence installation complexity. We then analyzed the data using descriptive statistics and regression analysis to determine the validity of the hypotheses. We used our research to develop a BRAC 2005 Installation Complexity Model. The model was implemented as a decision support tool using Logical Decisions sofiware and Excel. Based on our research and historical data analysis, we also developed performance measures to assess BRAC 2005 implementation progress.