Changing the way we learn: how Cisco Systems is doing it

When Cisco Systems modified its corporate slogan to include learning ("Changing the way we work, live, play, and learn"), the internal challenge was to demonstrate to all audiences, not just education institutions, how Cisco itself is a model for addressing difficult learning and training problems. The Cisco Learning Institute has developed an "E-Learning Engine" that is used to create all learning and training materials used by Cisco personnel, vendor partners, customers, and to create and deliver the curriculum in the Cisco Networking Academy program. The Cisco Networking Academy program has grown exponentially since its creation in 1997, so that as of May 2000 it counts over 3700 academies in over 60 countries, making it the single largest online curriculum with over 60000 students currently enrolled. The paper describes some features of the E-Learning Engine, provides additional details about curriculum design and assessment within the program, and hints at future developments of interest to educators and learners around the world.