Preface 1. L. Lundqvist, L.G. Mattsson, T.J. Kim Network Infrastructure and the Urban Environment: Intro- duction and Summary PART I: ISSUES 2. B. Johansson Infrastructure and Economic Milieu: Swedish Contributions 1960-1995 3. T.R. Lakshmanan The Changing Context of Transportation Modeling: Implications of the New Economy, Intermodalism and the Drive for Environmental Quality 4. E.S. Mills Excess Commuting in U.S. Metropolitan Areas 5. P.Gordon, Y. Liao, H. Richardson Household Commuting: Implications of the Behavior of Two-Worker Households for Land-Use/Transporation Models PART II. DYNAMICS AND EQUILIBRIA IN NETWORK MODELLING. NEW THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS 6. T.L. Friesz, S.Shah, D.Bernstein Disequilibrium Network Design: A New Paradigm for Transportation Planning and Control 7. D.Bernstein, T.L. Friesz Infinite Dimensional Formulations of Some Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models 8. A. Nagurney, D. Zhang Introduction to Projected Dynamical Systems for Traffic Network Equilibrium Problems 9. B. Harsman, J.M. Quigley Worker and Workplace Heterogeneity and Residential Location: A Historial Perspective on Stockholm 10. D.E. Boyce, Y.-F. Zhang Parameter Estimation for Combined Travel Choice Models 11. S. Erlander, J.T. Lundgren Discrete Spatial Price Equilibrium 12. T.L. Friesz, Z.-G. Suo, L. Westin Integration of Freight Network and Computable General Equilibrium Models 13. T. Miyagi A Spatial Computable General Equilibrium Approach for Measuring Multiregional Impacts of Large Scale Transportation Projects PART III: INTEGRATED ANALYSIS OF ACTIVITY LOCATION AND TRANSPORTATION IN URBAN AND REGIONAL SYSTEMS 14. M. Wegener Applied Models of Urban Land Use, Transport and Environment: State of the Art and Future Developments 15. S.H. Putman Results from Implementation of Integrated Transportation and Land Use Models in Metropolitan Regions 16. T. de la Barra Improved Logit Formulations for Integrated Land Use, Transport and Environmental Models 17. C. Anderstig, L.-G. Mattsson Modelling Land-Use and Transport Interaction: Policy Analyses Using the IMREL Model 18. L. Lundqvist A Combined Model for Analysing Network Infrastructure and Land-Use/Transportation Interactions 19. J.R. Roy, L.O. Marquez, M.A.P. Taylor, T. Ueda Development of a Compact Urban Simulation Model 20. G.G. Roy, F. Snickars An Interactive Computer System for Land-Use Transport Analysis 21. P.F. Hanley, T.J. Kim A Combined Economic Activity and Transportation Model: A Solution Procedure and Application to Multi-Regional Planning 22. S.A. Rienstra, P. Rietveld, M.T. Hilferink,F.R.Bruinsma Road Infrastructure and Corridor Development