Bioethics in Brazil

In this article, the authors briefly sketch the nature of Brazilian bioethics. Bioethics emerged in Brazil later than in other Western countries and the 1990's were the most important period for the spread of the discipline in the country. It is in this period that some structural elements of bioethics were established, such as research groups, regulation of Local Research Ethics Committees (Comites Locais de Etica em Pesquisa - CEP), the creation of the National Commission of Ethics in Research with Human Beings (Comissao Nacional de Etica em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos - CONEP) and the Brazilian Bioethics Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Bioetica - SBB). With regard to theoretical work, Brazilian bioethics is clearly an importer of theories from countries central to the studies of bioethics, or, in another words, countries where bioethics first emerged and was established. The most commonly used theory among Brazilian researchers is principlism.