A simple tuning method for multiloop PID controllers will be presented in this article. The method is suited for PID algorithms with no proportional and derivative kick. This tuning method is derived from a controller synthesis method with a control performance specification of 5% overshoot on servo response. Depending on the interaction natures of the multiloop systems, tuning based on the diagonal elements of the model or further detuning may be necessary. For systems with a relative gain array [RGA(λii)] < 1, a detuning factor based on this information is proposed. The information needed for controller tuning purposes is the dynamic model parameters of the diagonal elements and the process gain information of the off-diagonal elements. The tuning method procedure is very simple and straightforward, utilizing only nth identification tests with n as the number of the interacting control loops. The tuning method can easily be applied to various industrial situations with almost no need for a priori proces...