Databases for Congenital Heart Defect Public Health Studies Across the Lifespan

In a 2012 meeting at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), key experts and stakeholders identified public health knowledge gaps about congenital heart defects (CHDs), namely prevalence of CHDs across the life span, long‐term outcomes of persons with CHDs, and health services

Graham Rush | J. Belmont | M. Jacobs | J. Newburger | E. Foster | S. Berger | C. Moore | G. Pearson | A. Kemper | J. Boucher | K. Sheehan | K. Jenkins | E. McCabe | J. Saltz | J. Kaltman | Melissa L. Crenshaw | R. Kirby | P. Eghtesady | A. Kovacs | P. Khairy | Jeetesh V. Patel | C. Broberg | D. Ilardi | B. Marino | K. Mussatto | J. Jacobs | G. Wernovsky | A. Correa | J. Tweddell | P. Lipkin | J. Ware | K. Taubert | G. Rosenthal | T. Crume | S. Grosse | R. Beekman | Cara T Mai | Mehul D. Patel | S. Pasquali | C. Baker-Smith | M. Oster | Kristin M Burns | C. Backer | A. John | James E. Kucik | Tiffany J. Riehle‐Colarusso | Andrea Baer | L. Botto | M. Lloyd-Puryear | M. Gurvitz | S. Timmins | C. Watkins | S. Batlivala | L. Bergersen | S. Neish | C. Sable | M. Feldkamp | S. K. Shapira | G. Martin | C. Webb | B. Zheleva | K. Kuehl | Ginnie Abarbanell | M. Sontag | M. Gewitz | R. Jaquiss | N. Madsen | D. Gray | M. McConnell | John P. Thomas | J. Hokanson | Annamarie Saarinen | N. Pinto | Jeff Hudson | Rachel Daskalov | L. Kochilas | Thalia Wood | Matthew V. Park | Cynthia H. Cassell | Regina M. Simeone | K. Gist | Stephanie J. Mitchell | J. R. Boris | C. Pellegrini | Tim Elsner | Colby Tiner | Emily Jones | Sonia Handa | A. Murray | J. Thibadeau | M. Harvey | S. Srivastava | K. Lopez | C. Stiver | L. Feit | N. McCabe | Asha Krishnaswamy | A. Marelli | Faith Adams | S. W. Allen | Sydney Allen | A. Ambrose | Mona Barmash | A. Basken | Cassandra Bates | Joshua Benke | JR Bockerstette | D. Hageman | Cheryl Brosig Soto | Lenore Cameron | Robert M. Campbell | S. Colan | Lynn Colegrove | Christina Coleman | Angie Colson | Pamela Costa | Chris A. Couser | M. Del Monte | Lindsay DeSantis | Kaitlin Doherty | K. Dooley | C. Duke | Saiza Elayda | Alison Ellison | Cori Erntz | Michelle Z. Esquivel | Bethany L Evans | W. Foley | Wayne J. Franklin | Bridget Freeley | F. Galioto | Mary George | Thomas Glenn | M. Glidewell | Lorraine A. Gore | Johanna M. Gray | H. Green | E. Heath | Danielle M. Hile | M. A. Honein | M. M. Hubbell | K. Huhn | D. Jacobs | Patrick Johnson | S. Johnson | Antonios P. Jossif | David Kasnic | N. Kenny | V. King | D. Knapp | Daisuke Kobayashi | A. Kuznetsov | Scott Leezer | J. Lemacks | P. Libby | Monica Mann | G. Paul Matherne | P. Mauller | Susan May | Michelle McCardle | Ty McCathran | Amy McCathran | Kristine Brite McCormick | Eric Melsom | William Kelly Milionis | Paula Miller | Erika Miller | Laura Morris | S. Nelson | Jeremy R Nicolarsen | Autumn Niggles | J. Noonan | G. Ober | L. O’Keefe | Marc Overcash | Jennifer Page | C. Pierce | Kara N D Polen | J. A. Quiñones | Carol Raimondi | Pat Richter | M. Rintamaki | E. Robles | Laura Russell | Terri Schaefer | Kathryn Schubert | Vida Schwartz | Brenda Silverman | Juanita Smith | Kimberly E. Smith | Kristina Smith | Corrie Stassen | Dena Thomas | Vivian Thorne | L. Tiernan | Natalie Torentinos | Glenn R. Tringali | L. M. Vásquez | A. Verstappen | Ellen Weiss | Marina Weiss | Gretchen Whitehurst | H. Whitley | Jennifer Witten | A. H. Wong | Matthew Wright | Robert Wynbrant | C. Cassell | C. Raimondi | Kara N. Polen | J. Nicolarsen | M. Esquivel | M. Overcash | Keila N. Lopez | M. Mcconnell | Johanna Gray | F. Adams | M. Honein | Kristin M. Burns | C. Moore | Robert Campbell

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