Teaching in automotive practical work: Three major themes from experts view

This paper will discuss about an analysis based on interview session in teaching Automotive Practical Work for Vocational Colleges. Six teachers who are expert in Automotive were interviewed and the three major themes discussed to analyze teachers’ feedback. The interview was categorized into three major themes of teaching methods which are: introduction, body and conclusion. In discussion of how to start their teaching, teachers prefer to use demonstration, sketching and questioning technique in introduction. They chose demonstration, question and answer, hands-our and problem solving approach while teaching body or content of Automotive Practical Work. At the end of teaching session teachers prefer to summarize the topic and ask students to write a report. All teachers agreed that they cannot deliver in a variety of methods or creative teaching methods because of time constraints, as students have to complete the task within two hours. But from the answers in teaching the bodies of teaching practical work some teachers give students other problems and let students solve it with their creativity. To enhance students’ knowledge and give them the opportunity to explore current situations of automotive development in the reflection and conclusion session, respondents were asked how they encourage students in a particular way. In summary, teachers applied the method of teaching based on what the curriculum need and students need based on the level of difficulties in the task given.