GECA: ESA's Next Generation Validation Data Center

In the coming decade the availability of satellite data from Earth Observation (EO) platforms will exhibit a significant growth. The dataflow of the Sentinel 1-5 series will be much larger than the one of their preceding satellite missions. In addition, ESA develops a continuous series of Earth Explorer satellite missions. As geophysical validation of these EO data remains a high priority, ESA has initiated a project to develop a Generic Environment for Calibration/validation Analysis (GECA), which is considered to become the next generation validation data centre. The evolution part of GECA is in the interoperability between various validation data centres, offering several functionalities facilitating validation analysis with full traceability. One of these functions is the collocation engine which matches satellite data to correlative data and provides the option to download selected sub sets. It will also be possible to compare satellite and correlative data using ‘best practice’ analysis functions. Figure 1. Example of GOMOS ozone profile validation results in an intercomparison with ground-based lidar data (picture credits: RIVM). Similar results can be found in [1].