Today, software development isintrinsically a col- laborative activity andthere isstill acrucial needtopro- videadequate computer tools wellsupporting collabora- tion insuchactivity. Empirical studies havealready iden- tified somerequirements toprovide better collaboration- awaresoftware development environments, andtheories coming fromhumanandsocial sciences still helpre- searchers tobetter understand these activities. Founding ourworkontheActivity Theory, wepresent heresome important issues thathavebeenidentified forcreating better software development environments. Addingour experience, weparticularly emphasize anaspect ofhu- manactivity that hasstill notreally beentaken intoac- count increating these computer supports: theuser's ex- perience crystallization andsharing. Finally, wepropose animplementation supporting theidentified properties in anexisting andwidely usedsoftware development envi- ronment.
Rachel K. E. Bellamy,et al.
Designing educational technology: computer-mediated change
B. Nardi.
Context and consciousness: activity theory and human-computer interaction
Mikko Korpela,et al.
Information Systems Development as an Activity
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW).
Adrian Mackenzie,et al.
From Cards to Code: How Extreme Programming Re-Embodies Programming as a Collective Practice
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW).
Grady Booch,et al.
Collaborative Development Environments
Adv. Comput..