Technical specification for the 1.5 Tesla superconducting solenoid for the BaBar detector. Revision 1

This document sets forth the specification of the BABAR superconducting solenoid and power supply which is being supplied to the BABAR collaboration by INSTITUTO NAZIONALE DI FISICA NUCLEARE (INFN). The solenoid will be installed in the BABAR detector which will be located at Interaction Region 2 (IR2) of the PEP II machine, a positron electron collider, presently under construction at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) located in Menlo Park, California. The solenoid will become part of the BABAR detector which will be used in SLAC`s high energy physics program. Intense beams of electrons and positrons are made to collide inside the solenoid magnet. High field uniformity quality, precise mechanical alignment and long term stability are essential characteristics of the solenoid. INFN will set up a committee that will provide contractual and technical oversight throughout the design, fabrication and installation phases of the BABAR solenoid construction. That committee will be the final authority to resolve any differences between these specifications and the INFN supplied drawings, in addition to any differences between these specifications or the INFN supplied drawings and the proposals from the vendor. All submissions for approval to INFN whether for design changes, material approval, design submissions or others as required by this specification shall be acted upon INFN within two (2) weeks of receipt of the submissions. If no answer is given the vendor may assume approval and proceed.