C OMPUTATIONAL fluid dynamics (CFD) has long been a tool capable of mapping flows around complex geometries, providing answers to intricate problems that are either prohibitively expensive or time consuming to perform experimentally. However, without experimental testing, there would be no way to validate the numerical results provided. The rudimentary landing gear (RLG)was designed by Dr. Phillipe R. Spalart of The Boeing Company and presented in Stockholm in June 2010 as part of the First AIAA Benchmark Problems for Airframe Noise Computations workshop [1]. Its primary purpose is to provide a standard model for noiseoriented CFD validation. Therefore, the geometry needed to be complex enough to create an interesting flowfield but simple enough for reliable physical experiments and computational simulations. The National Aerospace Laboratories (NALs) in India have completed an aerodynamic investigation on aRLGmodel in a closedwall wind tunnel [2]. During these tests, steady and unsteady pressure datawere taken and surface oilflow visualizationwas performed. The purpose of this Note is to document corresponding aeroacoustic measurements of a scaled RLG model that was used as the benchmark data for the Second AIAA Benchmark Problems for Airframe Noise Computations workshop (BANC-2).
R. Amiet.
Refraction of sound by a shear layer
Fei Liu,et al.
An Experimental Study of the Rudimentary Landing Gear
Lakshmi Venkatakrishnan,et al.
Experimental studies on a rudimentary four-wheel landing gear. AIAA 2011-354
Philippe R. Spalart,et al.
On the precise implications of acoustic analogies for aerodynamic noise at low Mach numbers
R. Langtry,et al.
DDES and Acoustic Prediction of Rudimentary Landing Gear Experiment Using Unstructured Finite Volume Methods
Yueping Guo,et al.
Experimental Study on Aircraft Landing Gear Noise
Philippe R. Spalart,et al.
Analysis of Experimental and Numerical Studies of the Rudimentary Landing Gear
Nikolas S. Zawodny.
Aeroacoustic characterization of scaled canonical nose landing gear configurations