Adjustment and implementation of CAD/CAM systems being used in polish aviation industry

This paper describes the detailed methods and proce ss of creating MBD model (Model Based Definition) presently used in aviation and automotive industry. Existing formats of the Authority dataset have bee n presented. Using CAD/CAM systems requires introduct ion of full control of all software used during ent ire manufacturing process. To maintain DPD (Digital Pro duct Definition) data configuration, controlling pr oduction hardware and tools, all media created on the DPD da ta need to include dataset clear name, revisions le vel and any other additional unique client identification. There are two methods of reliable verification of d ata translation or transmission among CAD/CAM systems: Points Clou ds and Space Analysis DMU CATIA. Today the practical preparation of technical production is ma de in virtual reality by the use of computer hardwa re nd software. The purpose of this paper is to present n w rules of working with CAD/CAM systems in modern enterprises using manufacturing technologies of XXI st century.