A method of notification to a user of a first communication terminal, context data relating to the items identified in a directory-type application. The method comprises the steps of: A) - constitution (E10-E12, E20-E26) of a contextual situations reference database, each contextual situation of reference being defined as a particular combination of contextual data relating to a set types of elements identified in a directory of a communication terminal; (B) - comparing (E30-E32), according to a predefined similarity criterion, reference contextual situations with current contextual data associated with the elements identified in the directory of the first terminal; (C) - if during said comparison, at least one contextual situation reference is determined (E34) as similar to the current contextual situation of at least a subset of elements of the first terminal directory presentation (E36 ) in the first communication terminal a notification message representative of at least one contextual situation similar reference.
Koustuv Dasgupta,et al.
R-U-In? - Exploiting Rich Presence and Converged Communications for Next-Generation Activity-Oriented Social Networking
2009 Tenth International Conference on Mobile Data Management: Systems, Services and Middleware.
Alexander F. Gelbukh,et al.
Information Retrieval with Conceptual Graph Matching
Ahmed Bouabdallah,et al.
Interpersonal context-aware communication services
IEEE Communications Magazine.
Michael Knappmeyer,et al.
Context management and reasoning for adaptive service provisioning
2009 International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications & Workshops.