Studying Writers’ Revising Patterns with S-Notation Analysis
This chapter describes a computer-based technique for analysing revision and text production strategies, called S-notation. On the basis of a keystroke record, a representation is created of all revisions made to a text during a writing session, including their order and internal structure. The resulting representation is embedded in an interactive program, which enables both qualitative and quantitative analyses of revisions made during a writing session. The tools described also support automatic identification of connected episodes of revision, which are relevant for the study of individual and task-specific writing strategies. We present the methodological and theoretical rationale behind the development of the method, and the basic principles for the creation of the S-notation. Subsequently, we describe how the tools can be used to answer particular research questions, including a discussion of the limitations of a purely formal treatment of revision. A multi-level framework is outlined for how to gain knowledge of revision processes using different kinds of data. Finally, we summarize studies made by ourselves as well as other researchers using S-notation analysis.