Abstract In this paper we extend our previous work on the simulation of coherent soft-gluon radiation to hard collisions that involve incoming as well as outgoing coloured partons. Existing simulations correctly sum the leading collinear singularities for initial- and final-state radiation, and in some cases the leading infrared contributions from outgoing partons, but not those for incoming (or the interference between incoming and outgoing). Asymptotically, however, the leading infrared and collinear contributions are comparable, the bulk of gluon emission occuring in the soft region. Furthermore, a correct treatment of leading infrared terms is necessary for the inclusive cancellation of singularities in the Sudakov form factor. We show how such a treatment ,ay be formulated in terms of an angular ordering procedure applicable to all hard processes. We then describe a new Monte Carlo program which incorporates this procedure, together with other new features such as azimuthal correlations due to gluon polarization and interference. The program is designed as a general-purpose event generator, simulating hard lepton-lepton, lepton-hadron and hadron-hadron scattering in a single package. Simulation of soft hadronic collisions and underlying events is also included. We present the predictions of the program for a wide variety of processes, and compare them with analytical results and experimental data.
Wood,et al.
Comparison of the particle flow in three-jet and radiative two-jet events from e+e- annihilation at Ec.m.
Physical review letters.
H.-U. Bengtsson,et al.
The lund monte carlo for high-pT physics
Torbjörn Sjöstrand,et al.
The Lund Monte Carlo for Jet Fragmentation and e+ e- Physics. Jetset Version 6.3: An Update
G. Ingelman,et al.
Improved Lund Monte Carlo for high-pT physics
R. Odorico,et al.
COJETS: A Monte Carlo program simulating QCD in hadronic production of jets and heavy flavours with inclusion of initial QCD Bremsstrahlung
E. Eichten,et al.
Erratum: Supercollider physics
G. Bellettini,et al.
Lu,et al.
Comparison of the particle flow in qq-barg and qq-bar gamma events in e+e- annihilation.
Physical review letters.