A Kind of Three-Input CNNs with Applications

An automatic position coordinate determining device comprises a data tablet which has a single magnetostrictive element in which strain waves are induced for determining the position coordinates of a pointer relative to a pair of mutually orthogonal coordinate axes obliquely disposed with respect to the magnetostrictive element. Two mutually orthogonal pluralities of parallel equidistantly spaced electrical conductors form a grid network on the top surface of the tablet. These pluralities of conductors are wrapped around the edge of the tablet and spatially compressed to form respective X and Y conductor grids over opposing quadrants of the tablet bottom surface. A movable pointer travels along the top surface of the tablet while the magnetostrictive element is arranged along the diagonal of the tablet bottom surface. The conductors of the X and Y grids are inductively coupled to the diagonal magnetostrictive element. When the pointer is pulsed, a current pulse is induced in at least one electrical conductor of each plurality, following which oppositely propagating strain waves are induced in the magnetostrictive element by the pulsed electrical conductor. The propagation times of the strain waves are determined and the position coordinates of the pointer are calculated therefrom.