Trust : making and breaking cooperative relations

Part 1 Trust considered: formal structures and social reality, Bernard Williams the biological evolution of co-operation and trust, Patrick Bateson individuals, interpersonal relations and trust, David Good trust as a commodity, Partha Dasgupta trust and political agency, John Dunn familiarity, confidence, trust - problems and alternatives, Niklas Luhmann. Part 2 Trust observed: three ironies in trust, Geoffrey Hawthorn the distraction of trust and its economic consequences in the case of 18th-century Naples, Anthony Pagden trust, cohesion and the social order, Ernest Gellner mafia - the price of distrust, Diego Gambetta kinship, contract and trust - the economic organization of migrants in an African city slum, Keith Hart neither friends nor strangers - informal networks of subcontracting in French industry, Edward Lorenz.