Upgrading Energy Efficiency For School BuildingsIn Greece

Abstract This article presents the cumulative experience from the design, the study and the application of energy efficiency technologies in school buildings in Greece, implemented within the frame of a funding action by the European Committee and the Greek State. In total 10 school buildings in Crete, Thessaly, Macedonia and Thrace were studied. All of them were approved for funding. Among the proposed actions both passive measures, to reduce heating and cooling loads, and active systems, to approach maximum Renewable Energy Sources penetration, were involved. Building envelope insulation, replacement of inadequate openings and, in one case, a green roof construction as a pilot application, constitute the implemented passive measures. On the other hand, photovoltaic (PV) panels on roofs, solar combi-system with biomass heaters for the most southern locations (Crete) or single biomass heaters for the northern locations, installation of low energy consumption lighting equipment and introduction of hybrid cooling techniques mainly with the installation of ceiling fans, compose the set of the introduced active systems. The calculation of the heating and cooling loads was executed with the use of TRNSYS software, for both the existing situation and after the proposed passive systems introduction. The operation of the solar combi-systems was arithmetically simulated using annual time series of mean hourly values for the heating loads and the available solar radiation. A software application was developed using LabVIEW. Finally, a fundamental economic analysis was executed for each introduced technology separately, as well as for the whole intervention. The examined buildings energy efficiency is expected to be upgraded at least in category B. Currently, all the proposed works have been integrated. A measuring system for the monitoring of the operation of the introduced technologies has been proposed, accompanied by a user friendly application. This monitoring system will also be exploited demonstratively for the students, as a teaching supporting tool. The measuring of the introduced systems normal operation will provide a reliable evaluation for the initial calculations and the anticipated upgrading of the buildings energy efficiency.