In the United States, sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam)) is predominately grown in the southeastern states and in California, but production farther north is limited. To determine if sweetpotato could be successfully produced in semiarid Pacific North West, four sweetpotato cultivars (Covington, Beauregard, Diane, and Evangeline) were subjected to four soil water tension (SWT) irrigation criteria treatments (40, 60, 80, 100 kPa in 2011 and 25, 40, 60, and 80 kPa in 2012) using drip irrigation at Ontario, OR. The four SWT criteria were maintained by an automated irrigation system. Sweetpotato cultivars were evaluated for the percentage of early groundcover, number of vines per hill, vine length, and yield. The total applied water decreased with the increase in the targetedSWT.The highest amountof water was appliedat the 25 kPa criterion(1184mm) and the least amount at the 100 kPa SWT criterion (146 mm). Cultivars varied in the average number of vines per hill, with 'Covington' having the fewest at 6 vines per hill compared with 'Beauregard' and 'Evangeline' that averaged 10 vines and 'Diane' averaging 11. The average vine length increased with the decrease in SWT criteria during both years. The total, marketable, and U.S.No. 1 sweetpotato yield was influenced by cultivars and varied among irrigation criteria and years. In general, the sweetpotato yield decreased with the increase in SWT, with the highest yield attained at the lowest SWT tested, 40 kPa in 2011 and 25 kPa in 2012. For 'Beauregard' grown with irrigation onset criteria of 40 and 25 kPa, the marketable yields were 49 and 87 Mg·ha L1 and U.S. No. 1yields were 35and 27 Mg·ha L1 in 2011 and 2012, respectively. The results suggested
K. R. Reddy,et al.
Growth, developmental, and physiological responses of two sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L. [Lam]) cultivars to early season soil moisture deficit
K. R. Reddy,et al.
Early-season Soil Moisture Deficit Reduces Sweetpotato Storage Root Initiation and Development
R. Davis,et al.
Sweetpotato Production in California
N. Firon,et al.
Characterization of Lateral Root Development at the Onset of Storage Root Initiation in ‘Beauregard’ Sweetpotato Adventitious Roots
G. Byju,et al.
Effect of Tillage, Irrigation, and Nutrient Levels on Growth and Yield of Sweet Potato in Rice Fallow
Fengxin Wang,et al.
Soil Water Tension, a Powerful Measurement for Productivity and Stewardship
Clinton C. Shock,et al.
Irrigation Criteria for Drip-irrigated Onions
J. R. Stansell,et al.
Effects of irrigation regimes on yield and water use by sweetpotato.
J. C. Shickluna,et al.
Soils. An Introduction to Soils and Plant Growth