Measurement of 14.7 MeV neutron-activation cross sections for fusion

Abstract The activation method has been used to measure 14.7 MeV cross sections for the following 21 reactions which are important for fusion-energy applications: 7 Li(n,n′t) 4 He, 27 Al(n,p) 27 Mg, 27 Al(n,α) 24 Na, Si(n,X) 28 Al, Ti(n,X) 46 Sc, Ti(n,X) 47 Sc, Ti(n,X) 48 Sc, 51 V(n,p) 51 Ti, 51 V(n,α) 48 Sc, Cr(n,X) 52 V, 55 Mn(n,2n) 54 Mn, 54 Fe(n,α) 51 Cr, Fe(n,X) 56 Mn, 59 Co(n,p) 59 Fe, 59 Co(n,2n) 58 Co, 59 Co(n,α) 56 Mn, 58 Ni(n,2n) 57 Ni, 65 Cu(n,p) 65 Ni, 65 Cu(n,2n) 64 Cu, Zn(n,X) 64 Cu, and 64 Zn(n,2n) 63 Zn. The results of this investigation are compared with corresponding recently evaluated cross-section values. Within the combined errors of the measured and evaluated results, the agreement is generally quite acceptable although some problem areas remain to be resolved. Significant improvements in the knowledge of the cross sections are achieved as a result of the present investigation for the reactions Ti(n,X) 47 Sc, 59 Co(n,p) 59 Fe and 65 Cu(n,p) 65 Ni. In the case of 7 Li(n,n′t) 4 He, the present measurement supports a recent evaluation in which a number of other n + 7 Li processes were simultaneously considered in conjunction with neutron-induced tritium production.