Construction of neural networks to select harmonious color combinations
Humans have a sense of color which, when a color is presented, can determine another color that is harmonious to the presented color (called harmonious color combination). This paper considers the two-color combination problem, which is to decide whether or not the two given colors are harmonious. The three-layered neural network with the error backpropagation learning is used to realize on a computer the color combination aesthetics of an individual trained in color harmonization.
The performance of the realized system is examined. The result obtained by the constructed system is the correct recognition rate of 97 percent for the learned data and approximately 70 percent for the unlearned data. The correct recognition rate for the unlearned data agrees almost with the rate of coincidence when the same subject selected the harmonious color twice. It is observed also that the color selection histogram pattern of the neural network is very similar to that of the subject. It is possible to identify the original subject from the tendency of the color selection tendency of the neural network. Thus, it is verified that the model is constructed reflecting well the color selection aesthetics of the subject.