Serious games, gamification and game engines to support framework activities in engineering: Case studies, analysis, classifications and outcomes

Recently many global well-known companies such as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Adobe, Cisco, Siemens, SAP, Google, Accenture, American Express, Caterpillar, PWC started an implementation of full-scale games and/or gamified applications to support their main business activities, processes and functions in “serious” areas such as management, simulations of complex physical objects and phenomena, engineering, project management, quality management, HR management, corporate training, marketing, and other areas. The particular objectives of performed multi-aspect research project on serious games and serious gamified applications in industry were to 1) identify and analyze best cases of use of serious games and gamification of main business processes in industry, 2) identify possible classifications of main types and attributes of serious games and serious gamified applications used in industry, and 3) identify serious game engines and platforms and classify their main features. This paper presents the research findings and outcomes relevant to specified project objectives.