Generating realistic terrains with higher-order Delaunay triangulations

For hydrologic applications, terrain models should have few local minima, and drainage lines should coincide with edges. We show that triangulating a set of points with elevations such that the number of local minima of the resulting terrain is minimized is NP-hard for degenerate point sets. The same result applies when there are no degeneracies for higher-order Delaunay triangulations. Two heuristics are presented to reduce the number of local minima for higher-order Delaunay triangulations, which start out with the Delaunay triangulation. We give efficient algorithms for their implementation, and test on real-world data how well they perform. We also study another desirable drainage characteristic, few valley components, and how to obtain it for higher-order Delaunay triangulations. This gives rise to a third heuristic. Tables and visualizations show how the heuristics perform for the drainage characteristics on real-world data.