촉각시스템용 제어기의 출력특성연구

In this paper, the virtual-reality system is tried to developed, which controls not only the sense of sight and hearing but also the sense of touch, In order to develope the sense of touch in This study, the stable tactual transaction-system, based on summing up the basic algorithm and theory, is embodied The hardware of This system consists of the 6DOF haptic interface, a controller and a driver In the case of the software, the proxy algorithm is applied for the force-transaction and the mopping algorithm is used for graphic transaction In addition to This, the imaginary-device driver is utilized for controlling the system and manager-class is also included m This system to manage the position-change and the like Consequently, the proxy algorithm is applied, which makes the system possible to be more stable and prompt with and imaginary object Moreover, the Impulse-algorithm is applied to work out a problem which the tactual transaction-period is different from the graphic transaction -period