Anthropogen umgesetzte Energie- und Stoffstrome konnen mit wesentlichen Auswirkungen fur Mensch und Umwelt verbunden sein. Um diese Auswirkungen bei der Beurteilung von Energieversorgungstechniken berucksichtigen zu konnen, werden in dem vorliegenden Bericht fur verschiedene Techniken zur Strom- und Warmebereitstellung die Stoff- und Energiestrome uber den gesamten Lebensweg quantifiziert und die aus ihnen resultierenden Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Umwelt abgeschatzt. Berucksichtigte Wirkungskategorien sind der Treibhauseffekt, die Versauerung und Eutrophierung von Boden und Gewassern, Risiken fur die menschliche Gesundheit, Ressourcenverzehr, Materialschaden und die Schadigung von Nutzpflanzen.
Energy and material flows caused by human activities have essential influence on human beings and the environment. These impacts should be taken into consideration in case of evaluating technologies with regard to a sustainable development.
Therefore, it was goal of the project to quantify the impacts caused by different technologies of electricity and heat supply and to consider not only the process of energy transformation, but also the up- and downstream processes as fuel supply, waste disposal, the construction and dismantling of the power plant etc. The work carried out includes the development of methods for life cycle assessment, the compilation of a database, the develop-ment of an appropriate software tool for life cycle assessment and finally the assessments of various energy supply technologies itself.
Besides the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions and the extraction of raw materials, results are quantified for the cumulated energy demand as well as the impact categories acidification and eutrophication of ecosystems, impacts on human health and damages on materials and plants. Finally, the monetary evaluation is used to quantify damages costs for the impact categories human health, material and plant damages, and avoidance costs fur the impact categories acidification and eutrophication of ecosystems and the greenhause effect.