For a long time, asymptotically good self-dual codes have been known to exist. Asymptotically good 2-quasicyclic codes of rate 1/2 have also been known to exist for a long time. Recently, it was proved that there are binary self-dual n/3-quasicyclic codes of length n asymptotically meeting the Gilbert-Varshamov bound. Unlike 2-quasicyclic codes, which are defined to have a cyclic group of order n/2 as a subgroup of their permutation group, the n/3-quasicyclic c codes are defined with a permutation group of fixed order of 3. So, from the decoding point of view, 2-quasicyclic c codes are preferable to n/3-quasicyclic c codes. In this correspondence, with the assumption that there are infinite primes p with respect to (w r t.) which 2 is primitive, we prove that there exist classes of self-dual 2p-quasicyclic c codes and Type II 8p-quasicyclic c codes of length respectively 2p/sup 2/ and 8p/sup 2/ which asymptotically meet the Gilbert-Varshamov bound. When compared with the order of the defining permutation groups, these classes of codes lie between the 2-quasicyclic c codes and the n/3-quasicyclic c codes of length n, considered in previous works.
Patrick Solé,et al.
On the algebraic structure of quasi-cyclic codes I: Finite fields
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.
E. J. Weldon,et al.
Some Results on Quasi-Cyclic Codes
Inf. Control..
E. M. Rains,et al.
Self-Dual Codes
Tadao Kasami.
A Gilbert-Varshamov bound for quasi-cycle codes of rate 1/2 (Corresp.)
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.
B. Sundar Rajan,et al.
Codes Closed under Arbitrary Abelian Group of Permutations
SIAM J. Discret. Math..
N. J. A. Sloane,et al.
Good self dual codes exist
Discret. Math..
Patrick Solé,et al.
Good self-dual quasi-cyclic codes exist
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.
O. Antoine,et al.
Theory of Error-correcting Codes