Result of surgical treatment of congenital cataract.

THERE are few statistical studies on the results of operation for congenital cataract or on the various factors which influence these results. 1 Hence, the best method of treating patients with this defect and the visual result to be expected have not been definitely established. 2 To obtain more information on this subject, a study was made of 148 patients with congenital cataract. The study included an analysis of the results of operations performed on 231 eyes at the Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute between January 1925 and October 1943. The fol- low-up period for the group ranged from no return visit to a maximum of twenty-two years, the average period being nineteen months. The importance of various factors on the final visual result was first studied. These factors were then analyzed for their influence on the occurrence of operative or postoperative complications and on the necessity of secondary operations. FACTORS INFLUENCING