Integrated Test and Evaluation - A knowledge-based approach to system development

The need to streamline the acquisition process of aerospace systems requires new approaches to improve the associated test and evaluation. A holistic approach to development, called Integrated Test and Evaluation (IT&E), has been under development the past few years and has shown great promise in reducing the time and cost for system development. IT&E is the synergistic combination of modeling, ground testing, and flight testing to reduce the test assets required for development of a system. Recognizing that the purpose of T&E is to create knowledge for decision making and risk reduction, an extension of the IT&E process is proposed which emphasizes modeling and simulation as a structure for a T&E knowledge base. The utility of modeling and simulation as a unifying 'backbone' that connects the T&E community into a virtual organization is outlined. The potential of a knowledge based systems approach to T&E for streamling the development process is identified. The streamlining process should result in a better operational product at less cost and time. "L/