The Teaching of Reading Comprehension according to the Model of Generative Learning.

AN INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE derived from Wittrock's model of generative learning was presented in classrooms for three days to 58 ten-year-old children. The purpose of the study was to determine the utility of the model for teaching reading in elementary school classrooms. Employing a unifactor, four-treatment design with participants individually and randomly assigned to the treatments, the data supported (p<.01) the hypothesis that, with time held constant, children instructed to generate associations for the text during reading show greater comprehension of that text than do children not instructed to generate the associations. The findings also confirm the hypothesis that these instructions to generate associations for the text increased the number of text-related associations produced during learning, which apparently led to increases in fact retention and story comprehension. The data support predictions from the model of generative learning and indicate its utility for improving the teaching of reading in elementary schools.