Restrições mercadológicas, produtivas e institucionais que afetam o desempenho de agroindústrias processadoras de lácteos orgânicos Marketing, production and institutional restrictions affecting the performance or organic dairy agroindustries

This paper has sought to identify, from a multiple-case study, the main marketing, technological and institutional restrictions which affect the performance of organic dairy industries. In the undertaken studies it was possible to demonstrate the importance of establishing social networking to inform and retain organic products consumers and the certification relevance to expand the market beyond these limits. The low production and processing scale - characteristics related to serving niche markets - is a particularity aggravated by the inherent difficulties of the organic milk production system. These technical limitations can only be conveniently worked if there is a gradual consolidation of public and private institutions devoted to the development of new production and processing technologies of organic foods. Finally, the Brazilian legislation related to the organic production system represents a landmark to the sector development. However, the expansion and adaptation of mechanisms to support this production