Review of Solar Wind Entry into and Transport Within the Plasma Sheet

The plasma sheet is populated in part by the solar wind plasma. Four solar entry mechanisms are examined: (1) double cusp or double lobe reconnection, (2) Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability (KHI), (3) Kinetic Alfvén waves (KAW), and (4) Impulsive Penetration. These mechanisms can efficiently fill the plasma sheet with cold dense ions during northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). The solar wind ions appear to have been heated upon entry along the plasma sheet dawn flank. The cold-component (solar wind origin) ion density is higher on the dawn flank than the dusk flank. The asymmetric evolution of the KAW and magnetic reconnection in association with the KHI at the dawn and dusk flank magnetopause may partly produce the dawn-dusk temperature and density asymmetries. Solar wind that crosses the magnetopause lowers the specific entropy (s=p/ργ) of the plasma sheet along the flanks. Subsequent transport of the cold ions from the flanks to the midnight meridian increases s by a factor of 5. Ti, Te, si, and se increase when the solar wind particles are transported across the magnetopause, but Ti/Te is roughly conserved. Within the magnetotail, E×B and curvature and gradient drifts play important roles in the plasma transport and can explain the large features seen in the plasma sheet. Turbulence can also play a significant role, particularly in the cold plasma transport from the flanks to the midnight meridian. Total entropy (S=pVγ) conservation provides important constraints on the plasma sheet transport, e.g., fast flows.

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[234]  S. Schwartz,et al.  Tracing solar wind plasma entry into the magnetosphere using ion‐to‐electron temperature ratio , 2009 .

[235]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  THEMIS observations of an earthward‐propagating dipolarization front , 2009 .

[236]  S. Wing,et al.  Substorm entropies: SUBSTORM ENTROPIES , 2009 .

[237]  Andris Vaivads,et al.  Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at the Earth's magnetopause: Multiscale development and associated reconnection , 2009 .

[238]  M. Acuna,et al.  Kinetic Alfvén Wave Turbulence and Transport through a Reconnection Diffusion Region. , 2008, Physical Review Letters.

[239]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  Plasma sheet thickness during a bursty bulk flow reversal , 2009 .

[240]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  Magnetic island formation between large‐scale flow vortices at an undulating postnoon magnetopause for northward interplanetary magnetic field , 2009 .

[241]  J. Raeder,et al.  Cold dense magnetopause boundary layer under northward IMF: Results from THEMIS and MHD simulations , 2009 .

[242]  W. Paterson,et al.  Boltzmann H function and entropy in the plasma sheet , 2009 .

[243]  S. Wing,et al.  Northward interplanetary magnetic field plasma sheet entropies , 2009 .

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[249]  Chunmiao Wang,et al.  Global MHD simulation of the Kelvin‐Helmholtz instability at the magnetopause for northward interplanetary magnetic field , 2010 .

[250]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  Multiple overshoot and rebound of a bursty bulk flow , 2010 .

[251]  S. Wing,et al.  Introduction to special section on Entropy Properties and Constraints Related to Space Plasma Transport , 2010 .

[252]  B. Klecker,et al.  Cusp as a source for oxygen in the plasma sheet during geomagnetic storms , 2010 .

[253]  Kanako Seki,et al.  Formation of a broad plasma turbulent layer by forward and inverse energy cascades of the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability , 2010 .

[254]  J. Lyon,et al.  Influence of cusp O+ outflow on magnetotail dynamics in a multifluid MHD model of the magnetosphere , 2010 .

[255]  M. Fujimoto,et al.  Evolution of an MHD‐scale Kelvin‐Helmholtz vortex accompanied by magnetic reconnection: Two‐dimensional particle simulations , 2010 .

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[257]  M. Cowee,et al.  Hybrid simulations of plasma transport by Kelvin‐Helmholtz instability at the magnetopause: Density variations and magnetic shear , 2010 .

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[260]  J. Lyon,et al.  Effects of causally driven cusp O⁺ outflow on the storm time magnetosphere-ionosphere system using a multifluid global simulation , 2010 .

[261]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  Can flow bursts penetrate into the inner magnetosphere? , 2011 .

[262]  H. Karimabadi,et al.  Flushing effect in reconnection: Effects of minority species of oxygen ions , 2011 .

[263]  C. Russell,et al.  Dipolarization fronts in the magnetotail plasma sheet , 2011 .

[264]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  Characteristics of plasma flows at the inner edge of the plasma sheet , 2011 .

[265]  Liu Chen,et al.  Gyrokinetic theory of parametric decays of kinetic Alfvén waves , 2011 .

[266]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  Multispacecraft observations of a foreshock-induced magnetopause disturbance exhibiting distinct plasma flows and an intense density compression , 2011 .

[267]  M. Hairston,et al.  Reversed two-cell convection in the Northern and Southern hemispheres during northward interplanetary magnetic field , 2011 .

[268]  R. Nakamura,et al.  Bursty bulk flows and dipolarization in MHD simulations of magnetotail reconnection , 2011 .

[269]  E. Amata,et al.  High kinetic energy density jets in the Earth’s magnetosheath: A case study , 2011 .

[270]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  A THEMIS multicase study of dipolarization fronts in the magnetotail plasma sheet , 2011 .

[271]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  Spatial distributions of ions and electrons from the plasma sheet to the inner magnetosphere: Comparisons between THEMIS-Geotail statistical results and the Rice convection model , 2011 .

[272]  K. Glassmeier,et al.  Electromagnetic waves on ion gyro‐radii scales across the magnetopause , 2011 .

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[275]  M. Kuznetsova,et al.  Kelvin‐Helmholtz waves under southward interplanetary magnetic field , 2011 .

[276]  J. Valdivia,et al.  Spatial distribution of the eddy diffusion coefficients in the plasma sheet during quiet time and substorms from THEMIS satellite data , 2011 .

[277]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  RCM‐E simulation of the 13 March 2009 steady magnetospheric convection event , 2012 .

[278]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  Energetic particle injections to geostationary orbit: Relationship to flow bursts and magnetospheric state , 2012 .

[279]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  Magnetospheric location of the equatorward prebreakup arc , 2012 .

[280]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  On the formation of tilted flux ropes in the Earth's magnetotail observed with ARTEMIS , 2012 .

[281]  T. Karlsson,et al.  Localized density enhancements in the magnetosheath: Three‐dimensional morphology and possible importance for impulsive penetration , 2012 .

[282]  O. D. Constantinescu,et al.  Spatial distribution of rolled up Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at Earth's dayside and flank magnetopause , 2012 .

[283]  Peter A. Delamere,et al.  Magnetic signatures of Kelvin‐Helmholtz vortices on Saturn's magnetopause: Global survey , 2012 .

[284]  S. Wing,et al.  Effect of an MLT dependent electron loss rate on the magnetosphere‐ionosphere coupling , 2012 .

[285]  S. Wing,et al.  Entropy conservation and rate of propagation of bubbles in the Earth's magnetotail: A case study , 2012 .

[286]  J. Johnson,et al.  Three-dimensional mode conversion associated with kinetic Alfvén waves. , 2012, Physical review letters.

[287]  M. M. Kuznetsova,et al.  The first in situ observation of Kelvin‐Helmholtz waves at high‐latitude magnetopause during strongly dawnward interplanetary magnetic field conditions , 2012 .

[288]  R. Redmon,et al.  Dawnward shift of the dayside O+ outflow distribution: The importance of field line history in O+ escape from the ionosphere , 2012 .

[289]  H. Koskinen,et al.  Supermagnetosonic subsolar magnetosheath jets and their effects: from the solar wind to the ionospheric convection , 2012 .

[290]  S. Wing,et al.  Auroral particle precipitation characterized by the substorm cycle , 2012 .

[291]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  Spatial distributions of the ion to electron temperature ratio in the magnetosheath and plasma sheet , 2012 .

[292]  Matteo Faganello,et al.  Magnetic reconnection and Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities at the Earth's magnetopause , 2012 .

[293]  S. Ohtani,et al.  On near‐tail bubble penetration into geosynchronous altitude , 2012 .

[294]  F. Toffoletto,et al.  Thin filament simulations for Earth's plasma sheet: Interchange oscillations , 2012 .

[295]  Yansen Wang,et al.  Dawn‐dusk asymmetries in the Earth's magnetosheath , 2012 .

[296]  J. Lyon,et al.  Magnetotail origins of auroral Alfvénic power , 2012 .

[297]  M. Fujimoto,et al.  Plasma transport induced by kinetic Alfvén wave turbulence , 2012 .

[298]  C. Escoubet,et al.  Overlapping ion structures in the mid-altitude cusp under northward IMF: signature of dual lobe reconnection? , 2012 .

[299]  R. Lundin,et al.  Plasma penetration of the dayside magnetopause , 2012 .

[300]  K. Nykyri Impact of MHD shock physics on magnetosheath asymmetry and Kelvin‐Helmholtz instability , 2013 .

[301]  Chi Wang,et al.  Global features of Kelvin‐Helmholtz waves at the magnetopause for northward interplanetary magnetic field , 2013 .

[302]  J. Lyon,et al.  Kelvin‐Helmholtz instability of the magnetospheric boundary in a three‐dimensional global MHD simulation during northward IMF conditions , 2013 .

[303]  S. Petrinec On the Magnetic Field Configuration of the Magnetosheath , 2013 .

[304]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  Anti-sunward high-speed jets in the subsolar magnetosheath , 2013 .

[305]  L. Kistler,et al.  Energization of O+ ions in the Earth's inner magnetosphere and the effects on ring current buildup: A review of previous observations and possible mechanisms , 2013 .

[306]  V. Angelopoulos,et al.  Ionospheric response to oscillatory flow braking in the magnetotail , 2013 .

[307]  A. Otto,et al.  Kelvin Helmholtz Instability at the Equatorial Magnetotail Boundary: Mhd Simulation and Comparison with Geotail Observations , 2013 .

[308]  H. Karimabadi,et al.  Three‐dimensional dynamics of vortex‐induced reconnection and comparison with THEMIS observations , 2013 .

[309]  R. Nakamura,et al.  Alternative interpretation of results from Kelvin‐Helmholtz vortex identification criteria , 2013 .

[310]  Yu Lin,et al.  Global hybrid simulation of mode conversion at the dayside magnetopause , 2013 .

[311]  T. Horbury,et al.  Magnetosheath dynamic pressure enhancements: occurrence and typical properties , 2013 .

[312]  Penny J Johnes,et al.  AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , 2013 .

[313]  K. Nykyri,et al.  The statistical mapping of magnetosheath plasma properties based on THEMIS measurements in the magnetosheath interplanetary medium reference frame , 2013 .

[314]  R. Treumann,et al.  Diffusion Processes: An Observational Perspective , 2013 .

[315]  Robert Rankin,et al.  Dawn–dusk asymmetry in the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability at Mercury , 2013, Nature Communications.

[316]  G. Ueno,et al.  Ion heating by broadband electromagnetic waves in the magnetosheath and across the magnetopause , 2013 .

[317]  L. Kistler,et al.  Spatial variation in the plasma sheet composition: Dependence on geomagnetic and solar activity , 2014 .

[318]  E. Amata,et al.  On nonlinear cascades and resonances in the outer magnetosphere , 2014 .

[319]  S. Wing,et al.  Kelvin Helmholtz Instability in Planetary Magnetospheres , 2014 .

[320]  P. Delamere,et al.  Interaction of magnetic reconnection and Kelvin‐Helmholtz modes for large magnetic shear: 2. Reconnection trigger , 2014 .

[321]  P. Delamere,et al.  Interaction of magnetic reconnection and Kelvin‐Helmholtz modes for large magnetic shear: 1. Kelvin‐Helmholtz trigger , 2014 .

[322]  ’. Otto Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at the Magnetotail Boundary: MHD Simulation and Comparison with Geotail Observations , 2022 .