Plant proteome analysis: A 2006 update

This 2006 ‘Plant Proteomics Update’ is a continuation of the two previously published in ‘Proteomics’ by 2004 (Canovas et al., Proteomics 2004, 4, 285–298) and 2006 (Rossignol et al., Proteomics 2006, 6, 5529–5548) and it aims to bring up‐to‐date the contribution of proteomics to plant biology on the basis of the original research papers published throughout 2006, with references to those appearing last year. According to the published papers and topics addressed, we can conclude that, as observed for the three previous years, there has been a quantitative, but not qualitative leap in plant proteomics. The full potential of proteomics is far from being exploited in plant biology research, especially if compared to other organisms, mainly yeast and humans, and a number of challenges, mainly technological, remain to be tackled. The original papers published last year numbered nearly 100 and deal with the proteome of at least 26 plant species, with a high percentage for Arabidopsis thaliana (28) and rice (11). Scientific objectives ranged from proteomic analysis of organs/tissues/cell suspensions (57) or subcellular fractions (29), to the study of plant development (12), the effect of hormones and signalling molecules (8) and response to symbionts (4) and stresses (27). A small number of contributions have covered PTMs (8) and protein interactions (4). 2‐DE (specifically IEF‐SDS‐PAGE) coupled to MS still constitutes the almost unique platform utilized in plant proteome analysis. The application of gel‐free protein separation methods and ‘second generation’ proteomic techniques such as multidimensional protein identification technology (MudPIT), and those for quantitative proteomics including DIGE, isotope‐coded affinity tags (ICAT), iTRAQ and stable isotope labelling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) still remains anecdotal. This review is divided into seven sections: Introduction, Methodology, Subcellular proteomes, Development, Responses to biotic and abiotic stresses, PTMs and Protein interactions. Section 8 summarizes the major pitfalls and challenges of plant proteomics.

[1]  W. Chu E. coli Gene Expression Protocols, Vol. 205, Methods in Molecular Biology. Peter E. Vaillancourt, Ed. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, 2002. , 2003 .

[2]  F. Cánovas,et al.  Plant proteome analysis , 2004, Proteomics.

[3]  M. Mann,et al.  Status of complete proteome analysis by mass spectrometry: SILAC labeled yeast as a model system , 2006, Genome Biology.

[4]  R. E. Sharp,et al.  Cell Wall Proteome in the Maize Primary Root Elongation Zone. I. Extraction and Identification of Water-Soluble and Lightly Ionically Bound Proteins1 , 2005, Plant Physiology.

[5]  M. DasGupta,et al.  Protein Turnover in Response to Transient Exposure to Exogenous Auxin is Necessary for Restoring Auxin Autotrophy in a Stressed Arachis hypogea Cell Culture , 2005, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture.

[6]  N. Raikhel,et al.  Understanding protein trafficking in plant cells through proteomics , 2005, Expert review of proteomics.

[7]  S. Komatsu Rice Proteome Database: A Step toward Functional Analysis of the Rice Genome , 2005, Plant Molecular Biology.

[8]  M. Matsuoka,et al.  gid1, a gibberellin-insensitive dwarf mutant, shows altered regulation of probenazole-inducible protein (PBZ1) in response to cold stress and pathogen attack. , 2006, Plant, cell & environment.

[9]  David L Tabb,et al.  Verification of automated peptide identifications from proteomic tandem mass spectra , 2006, Nature Protocols.

[10]  M. Belghazi,et al.  Upregulation of jasmonate-inducible defense proteins and differential colonization of roots of Oryza sativa cultivars with the endophyte Azoarcus sp. , 2006, Molecular plant-microbe interactions : MPMI.

[11]  T. Griffin,et al.  Gel‐free mass spectrometry‐based high throughput proteomics: Tools for studying biological response of proteins and proteomes , 2006, Proteomics.

[12]  Bong-Kwan Phee,et al.  Identification of phytochrome‐interacting protein candidates in Arabidopsis thaliana by co‐immunoprecipitation coupled with MALDI‐TOF MS , 2006, Proteomics.

[13]  K. Laukens,et al.  Lipopolysaccharide-responsive phosphoproteins in Nicotiana tabacum cells. , 2006, Plant physiology and biochemistry : PPB.

[14]  Guanghui Wang,et al.  Comparative study of three proteomic quantitative methods, DIGE, cICAT, and iTRAQ, using 2D gel- or LC-MALDI TOF/TOF. , 2006, Journal of proteome research.

[15]  A. Clarke,et al.  Structural and Functional Insights into the Chloroplast ATP-Dependent Clp Protease in Arabidopsis , 2006, The Plant Cell Online.

[16]  A. Nordheim,et al.  Comparative proteome analyses of maize (Zea mays L.) primary roots prior to lateral root initiation reveal differential protein expression in the lateral root initiation mutant rum1 , 2006, Proteomics.

[17]  J. Blein,et al.  Proteomics of Plant Detergent-resistant Membranes * S , 2006, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.

[18]  C. Sundqvist,et al.  Proteomic analysis of the etioplast inner membranes of wheat (Triticum aestivum) by two‐dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry , 2006 .

[19]  Joko Prayitno,et al.  Identification of ethylene-mediated protein changes during nodulation in Medicago truncatula using proteome analysis. , 2006, Journal of proteome research.

[20]  Detection of low-molecular weight allergens resolved on two-dimensional electrophoresis with acid-urea polyacrylamide gel. , 2006, Analytical biochemistry.

[21]  Marco Grzegorczyk,et al.  Statistics for Proteomics: A Review of Tools for Analyzing Experimental Data , 2006, Proteomics.

[22]  Julie L. Stephens,et al.  Extracellular Proteomes of Arabidopsis Thaliana and Brassica Napus Roots: Analysis and Comparison by MudPIT and LC-MS/MS , 2006, Plant and Soil.

[23]  Sixue Chen,et al.  Additional freeze hardiness in wheat acquired by exposure to -3 degreesC is associated with extensive physiological, morphological, and molecular changes. , 2006, Journal of experimental botany.

[24]  W. Snedden,et al.  Biochemical and Molecular Characterization of AtPAP26, a Vacuolar Purple Acid Phosphatase Up-Regulated in Phosphate-Deprived Arabidopsis Suspension Cells and Seedlings1 , 2006, Plant Physiology.

[25]  R. Appel,et al.  Guidelines for the next 10 years of proteomics , 2009, Proteomics.

[26]  J. Whitelegge,et al.  Sequencing covalent modifications of membrane proteins. , 2006, Journal of Experimental Botany.

[27]  Markus Lipp,et al.  Application of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to interrogate alterations in the proteome of gentically modified crops. 3. Assessing unintended effects. , 2006, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry.

[28]  P. Man,et al.  Separation of nuclear protein complexes by blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis , 2006, Electrophoresis.

[29]  K. Engel,et al.  Application of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to interrogate alterations in the proteome of genetically modified crops. 1. Assessing analytical validation. , 2006, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry.

[30]  I. Bernal-Lugo,et al.  Redox-sensitive target detection in gibberellic acid-induced barley aleurone layer. , 2006, Free radical biology & medicine.

[31]  S. Theg,et al.  Evidence for an ER to Golgi to chloroplast protein transport pathway. , 2006, Trends in cell biology.

[32]  M. Gribskov,et al.  The Genome of Black Cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa (Torr. & Gray) , 2006, Science.

[33]  P. Roepstorff,et al.  Differential appearance of isoforms and cultivar variation in protein temporal profiles revealed in the maturing barley grain proteome , 2006 .

[34]  K. V. van Wijk,et al.  Protein Profiling of Plastoglobules in Chloroplasts and Chromoplasts. A Surprising Site for Differential Accumulation of Metabolic Enzymes1[W] , 2006, Plant Physiology.

[35]  V. Reisinger,et al.  Mapping the proteome of thylakoid membranes by de novo sequencing of intermembrane peptide domains , 2006, Proteomics.

[36]  C. Schöneich,et al.  Mass spectrometry of protein modifications by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. , 2006, Free radical biology & medicine.

[37]  C. Lenz,et al.  Variation in the holm oak leaf proteome at different plant developmental stages, between provenances and in response to drought stress , 2006, Proteomics.

[38]  Shalu Jain,et al.  Proteomics reveals elevated levels of PR 10 proteins in saline-tolerant peanut (Arachis hypogaea) calli. , 2006, Plant physiology and biochemistry : PPB.

[39]  Alexandra M. E. Jones,et al.  Modifications to the Arabidopsis Defense Proteome Occur Prior to Significant Transcriptional Change in Response to Inoculation with Pseudomonas syringae1[W][OA] , 2006, Plant Physiology.

[40]  Murray Grant,et al.  Analysis of the defence phosphoproteome of Arabidopsis thaliana using differential mass tagging , 2006, Proteomics.

[41]  K. Dietz,et al.  Concepts and approaches towards understanding the cellular redox proteome. , 2006, Plant biology.

[42]  J. Jacquot,et al.  Identification of a new family of plant proteins loosely related to glutaredoxins with four CxxC motives , 2006, Photosynthesis Research.

[43]  H. Yano,et al.  Disulfide proteome yields a detailed understanding of redox regulations: A model study of thioredoxin‐linked reactions in seed germination , 2006, Proteomics.

[44]  O. Jensen Interpreting the protein language using proteomics , 2006, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

[45]  Rod B. Watson,et al.  Mapping the Arabidopsis organelle proteome. , 2006, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[46]  S. Pinson,et al.  Proteomic and genetic approaches to identifying defence-related proteins in rice challenged with the fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. , 2006, Molecular plant pathology.

[47]  Hélène Rogniaux,et al.  Comparative Analysis of the Heat Stable Proteome of Radicles of Medicago truncatula Seeds during Germination Identifies Late Embryogenesis Abundant Proteins Associated with Desiccation Tolerance1[W] , 2006, Plant Physiology.

[48]  Timothy Nelson,et al.  Laser microdissection of plant tissue: what you see is what you get. , 2006, Annual review of plant biology.

[49]  S. Komatsu,et al.  Proteomic analysis of rice leaf sheath during drought stress. , 2006, Journal of proteome research.

[50]  Wei Wang,et al.  A universal and rapid protocol for protein extraction from recalcitrant plant tissues for proteomic analysis , 2006, Electrophoresis.

[51]  M. Rossignol,et al.  Plant proteome analysis: A 2004–2006 update , 2006, Proteomics.

[52]  Michael Gribskov,et al.  Protein-protein interactions of tandem affinity purification-tagged protein kinases in rice. , 2006, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.

[53]  J. Renaut,et al.  Proteomics and low-temperature studies : bridging the gap between gene expression and metabolism , 2006 .

[54]  Simon C. F. Sheng,et al.  Expanding the Subproteome of the Inner Mitochondria Using Protein Separation Technologies , 2006, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.

[55]  A. Maldonado,et al.  A proteomic approach to study pea (Pisum sativum) responses to powdery mildew (Erysiphe pisi) , 2006, Proteomics.

[56]  H. Askari,et al.  Effects of salinity levels on proteome of Suaeda aegyptiaca leaves , 2006, Proteomics.

[57]  K. V. van Wijk,et al.  High Light Response of the Thylakoid Proteome in Arabidopsis Wild Type and the Ascorbate-Deficient Mutant vtc2-2. A Comparative Proteomics Study1[W] , 2006, Plant Physiology.

[58]  W. Ens,et al.  Analysis of the wheat and Puccinia triticina (leaf rust) proteomes during a susceptible host‐pathogen interaction , 2006, Proteomics.

[59]  L. Copeland,et al.  Black Point is associated with reduced levels of stress, disease- and defence-related proteins in wheat grain. , 2006, Molecular plant pathology.

[60]  S. Peck,et al.  Phosphoproteomics in Arabidopsis: moving from empirical to predictive science. , 2006, Journal of experimental botany.

[61]  K. Gevaert,et al.  Proteome-wide characterization of N-glycosylation events by diagonal chromatography. , 2006, Journal of proteome research.

[62]  Ganesh Kumar Agrawal,et al.  Plant phosphoproteomics: A long road ahead , 2006, Proteomics.

[63]  Chao-Hsiung Lin,et al.  Protein changes between dormant and dormancy‐broken seeds of Prunus campanulata Maxim , 2006, Proteomics.

[64]  Shanyu Li,et al.  Polyethylene glycol fractionation improved detection of low-abundant proteins by two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis of plant proteome. , 2006, Phytochemistry.

[65]  E. Bayer,et al.  Arabidopsis cell wall proteome defined using multidimensional protein identification technology , 2006, Proteomics.

[66]  Alexey I Nesvizhskii,et al.  Analysis of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteome with PeptideAtlas , 2006, Genome Biology.

[67]  T. Kieselbach,et al.  The chloroplast lumen and stromal proteomes of Arabidopsis thaliana show differential sensitivity to short- and long-term exposure to low temperature. , 2006, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.

[68]  A. Nordheim,et al.  Proteomic analysis of shoot‐borne root initiation in maize (Zea mays L.) , 2006, Proteomics.

[69]  G. Agrawal,et al.  Differential expression of defense/stress-related marker proteins in leaves of a unique rice blast lesion mimic mutant (blm). , 2006, Journal of proteome research.

[70]  Ruedi Aebersold,et al.  Challenges and Opportunities in Proteomics Data Analysis* , 2006, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.

[71]  B. Rolfe,et al.  Proteomic analysis of root meristems and the effects of acetohydroxyacid synthase-inhibiting herbicides in the root of Medicago truncatula. , 2006, Journal of proteome research.

[72]  Kathryn S Lilley,et al.  Methods of quantitative proteomics and their application to plant organelle characterization. , 2006, Journal of experimental botany.

[73]  B. Svensson,et al.  Enrichment and identification of integral membrane proteins from barley aleurone layers by reversed-phase chromatography, SDS-PAGE, and LC-MS/MS. , 2006, Journal of proteome research.

[74]  F. McLafferty,et al.  Extending Top-Down Mass Spectrometry to Proteins with Masses Greater Than 200 Kilodaltons , 2006, Science.

[75]  Brian Raught,et al.  Automated identification of SUMOylation sites using mass spectrometry and SUMmOn pattern recognition software , 2006, Nature Methods.

[76]  Eugene Kolker,et al.  Experimental standards for high-throughput proteomics. , 2006, Omics : a journal of integrative biology.

[77]  J. Abadía,et al.  Proteomic profiles of thylakoid membranes and changes in response to iron deficiency , 2006, Photosynthesis Research.

[78]  Yun-Wei Yang,et al.  A novel function of abscisic acid in the regulation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) root growth and development. , 2006, Plant & cell physiology.

[79]  Pingfang Yang,et al.  Comparative Analysis of the Endosperm Proteins Separated by 2-D Electrophoresis for Two Cultivars of Hybrid Rice (Oryza sativa L.) , 2006 .

[80]  M. Hirai,et al.  Proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of Arabidopsis seeds: molecular evidence for successive processing of seed proteins and its implication in the stress response to sulfur nutrition. , 2006, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.

[81]  L. Zolla Liquid Extraction-Ultracentrifugation-Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry: A Potent Tool for Separation and Identification of Thylakoid Membrane Proteins , 2006 .

[82]  J. Coorssen,et al.  Proteome resolution by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis varies with the commercial source of IPG strips. , 2006, Journal of proteome research.

[83]  J. Garin,et al.  A versatile method for deciphering plant membrane proteomes. , 2006, Journal of experimental botany.

[84]  Matthias Mann,et al.  Innovations: Functional and quantitative proteomics using SILAC , 2006, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

[85]  D. Fenyö,et al.  Reproducibility of LC-MS-based protein identification. , 2006, Journal of experimental botany.

[86]  G. Recorbet,et al.  Mutations in DMI3 and SUNN modify the appressorium-responsive root proteome in arbuscular mycorrhiza. , 2006, Molecular plant-microbe interactions : MPMI.

[87]  A. Laroche,et al.  Identification of differentially regulated proteins in response to a compatible interaction between the pathogen Fusarium graminearum and its host, Triticum aestivum , 2006, Proteomics.

[88]  A. Millar,et al.  Recent surprises in protein targeting to mitochondria and plastids. , 2006, Current opinion in plant biology.

[89]  R. Ranjeva,et al.  Phosphoproteins analysis in plants: a proteomic approach. , 2006, Phytochemistry.

[90]  M. Sauer,et al.  Proteomic dissection of plant development , 2006, Proteomics.

[91]  R. Milo,et al.  Variability and memory of protein levels in human cells , 2006, Nature.

[92]  François Chevenet,et al.  The pitfalls of proteomics experiments without the correct use of bioinformatics tools , 2006, Proteomics.

[93]  Saleh Shah,et al.  Constitutive expression of the pea ABA-responsive 17 (ABR17) cDNA confers multiple stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. , 2006, Plant biotechnology journal.

[94]  J. Thelen,et al.  Using quantitative proteomics of Arabidopsis roots and leaves to predict metabolic activity , 2006 .

[95]  Chen Xi Comparative Proteomics of Thylakoid Membrane From a Low Chlorophyll b Rice and Its Wild Type , 2006 .

[96]  T. Xing,et al.  Beyond R genes: dissecting disease-resistance pathways using genomics and proteomics , 2006 .

[97]  S. Komatsu,et al.  Comparison of two proteomics techniques used to identify proteins regulated by gibberellin in rice. , 2006, Journal of proteome research.

[98]  Ji Hoon Ahn,et al.  Proteomics studies of post-translational modifications in plants. , 2006, Journal of experimental botany.

[99]  Zhaohe Yuan,et al.  Proteome Comparison Following Self- and Across-Pollination in Self-Incompatible Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) , 2006, The protein journal.

[100]  J. Yates,et al.  Proteomic identification of palmitoylated proteins. , 2006, Methods.

[101]  A. Petersen,et al.  Proteome analysis of maize pollen for allergy‐relevant components , 2006, Proteomics.

[102]  H. Mock,et al.  Proteome analysis of cold stress response in Arabidopsis thaliana using DIGE-technology. , 2006, Journal of experimental botany.

[103]  L. Casano,et al.  Multiple phosphorylation sites in the β subunit of thylakoid ATP synthase , 2006, Photosynthesis Research.

[104]  W. Gruissem,et al.  plprot: a comprehensive proteome database for different plastid types. , 2006, Plant & cell physiology.

[105]  K. Yeh,et al.  Proteomic survey of copper‐binding proteins in Arabidopsis roots by immobilized metal affinity chromatography and mass spectrometry , 2006, Proteomics.

[106]  S. Clemens,et al.  Proteome changes in Arabidopsis thaliana roots upon exposure to Cd2+. , 2006, Journal of experimental botany.

[107]  Yu Liang,et al.  Proteome analysis of rice uppermost internodes at the milky stage , 2006, Proteomics.

[108]  R. Wait,et al.  The Utility of N,N-Biotinyl Glutathione Disulfide in the Study of Protein S-Glutathiolation*S , 2006, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.

[109]  Arun K. Ramani,et al.  How complete are current yeast and human protein-interaction networks? , 2006, Genome Biology.

[110]  Jin-yuan Liu,et al.  An efficient protein preparation for proteomic analysis of developing cotton fibers by 2‐DE , 2006, Electrophoresis.

[111]  Dong Xu,et al.  Bioinformatics and its applications in plant biology. , 2006, Annual review of plant biology.

[112]  Zhen Liu,et al.  Evaluation of the application of sodium deoxycholate to proteomic analysis of rat hippocampal plasma membrane. , 2006, Journal of proteome research.

[113]  F. Delalande,et al.  Proteome Analysis of Plant-Virus Interactome , 2006, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.

[114]  Xiaohui S. Xie,et al.  A Mammalian Organelle Map by Protein Correlation Profiling , 2006, Cell.

[115]  A. Leitner,et al.  Chemistry meets proteomics: The use of chemical tagging reactions for MS‐based proteomics , 2006, Proteomics.

[116]  S. Schubert,et al.  Salt-resistant and salt-sensitive wheat genotypes show similar biochemical reaction at protein level in the first phase of salt stress , 2006 .

[117]  G. Visioli,et al.  A 2-D liquid-phase chromatography for proteomic analysis in plant tissues. , 2006, Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences.

[118]  L. Lomas,et al.  Protein Equalizer™ Technology : The quest for a “democratic proteome” , 2006, Proteomics.

[119]  A. Moore,et al.  An accurate and reproducible method for proteome profiling of the effects of salt stress in the rice leaf lamina. , 2006, Journal of experimental botany.

[120]  M. Mann,et al.  Global, In Vivo, and Site-Specific Phosphorylation Dynamics in Signaling Networks , 2006, Cell.

[121]  Mikhail M Savitski,et al.  ModifiComb, a New Proteomic Tool for Mapping Substoichiometric Post-translational Modifications, Finding Novel Types of Modifications, and Fingerprinting Complex Protein Mixtures* , 2006, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.

[122]  W. Weckwerth,et al.  Relative and absolute quantitative shotgun proteomics: targeting low-abundance proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. , 2006, Journal of experimental botany.

[123]  V. Fogliano,et al.  Study of the three-way interaction between Trichoderma atroviride, plant and fungal pathogens by using a proteomic approach , 2006, Current Genetics.

[124]  Susumu Goto,et al.  Effects of post-electrophoretic analysis on variance in gel-based proteomics , 2006, Expert review of proteomics.

[125]  M. Rossignol Proteomic analysis of phosphorylated proteins. , 2006, Current opinion in plant biology.

[126]  K. Ramsay,et al.  Laser capture microdissection: a novel approach to microanalysis of plant-microbe interactions. , 2006, Molecular plant pathology.

[127]  A. Millar,et al.  The plant mitochondrial proteome and the challenge of defining the posttranslational modifications responsible for signalling and stress effects on respiratory functions , 2007 .

[128]  J. Lunn Compartmentation in plant metabolism. , 2006, Journal of experimental botany.

[129]  M. Maeshima,et al.  Vacuolar transporters and their essential role in plant metabolism. , 2006, Journal of experimental botany.

[130]  Susanne Jacobsen,et al.  Multivariate data analysis of proteome data. , 2007, Methods in molecular biology.

[131]  J. Garin,et al.  A Proteomics Dissection of Arabidopsis thaliana Vacuoles Isolated from Cell Culture*S , 2007, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.

[132]  Natalia Bykova,et al.  Genomic analysis of MAP kinase cascades inArabidopsis defense responses , 2005, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter.

[133]  J. V. Van Beeumen,et al.  Functional proteome analysis of the banana plant (Musa spp.) using de novo sequence analysis of derivatized peptides. , 2007, Journal of proteome research.

[134]  Tai Wang,et al.  Proteomics Identification of Differentially Expressed Proteins Associated with Pollen Germination and Tube Growth Reveals Characteristics of Germinated Oryza sativa Pollen*S , 2007, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.

[135]  H. Pakrasi,et al.  Preparation of membrane proteins for analysis by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. , 2007, Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences.

[136]  Jun Song,et al.  Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of protein extraction protocols for apple and strawberry fruit suitable for two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry analysis. , 2007, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry.

[137]  R. Zeng,et al.  Protein phosphorylation and expression profiling by Yin-yang multidimensional liquid chromatography (Yin-yang MDLC) mass spectrometry. , 2007, Journal of proteome research.

[138]  S. Komatsu,et al.  The proteomics of plant cell membranes. , 2006, Journal of experimental botany.

[139]  David J Studholme,et al.  Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology (MudPIT) Analysis of Ubiquitinated Proteins in Plants*S , 2007, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.

[140]  D. Macherel,et al.  Function and stress tolerance of seed mitochondria , 2007 .

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