NaRCoSiS-the naval radar computer simulation suite
NaRCoSiS is a multi-level generic radar simulation being produced in the Above Water Systems Department of DERA Portsdown West. Its algorithms are primarily based upon the radar research which has been developed over the last twenty years, and which have been widely used for research and project support. Sea, rain and land clutter, propagation and multipath effects are all included, as is simulation of MTI and pulse Doppler processing. The model has been designed to be able to extend these functions using the extensive knowledge and trials results available in the department. A framework has been developed which allows data from more detailed models to be interfaced to increase fidelity. Another feature of the model is its user friendly and flexible interfaces. The architecture has been structured with a scheduler function which enables detailed modelling of complex systems such as MESAR (Multi-function Electronically Scanned Adaptive Radar) and future rotating multi-function radars. NaRCoSiS can be used in two ways, primarily as a standalone simulation, allowing the user to define target, scenario and radar details to be simulated. It can also be used as a 'radar detection process' as part of external models. In this mode it can be used within other software as an easily callable function that returns details about detections. This allows use with other scenario generators in simulations.