I M Avatar: Implicit Morphable Head Avatars from Videos

Traditional morphable face models provide fine-grained control over expression but cannot easily capture geometric and appearance details. Neural volumetric representations approach photo-realism but are hard to animate and do not generalize well to unseen expressions. To tackle this problem, we propose IMavatar (Implicit Morphable avatar), a novel method for learning implicit head avatars from monocular videos. Inspired by the fine-grained control mechanisms afforded by conventional 3DMMs, we represent the expressionand pose-related deformations via learned blendshapes and skinning fields. These attributes are pose-independent and can be used to morph the canonical geometry and texture fields given novel expression and pose parameters. We employ ray tracing and iterative rootfinding to locate the canonical surface intersection for each pixel. A key contribution is our novel analytical gradient formulation that enables end-to-end training of IMavatars from videos. We show quantitatively and qualitatively that our method improves geometry and covers a more complete expression space compared to state-of-the-art methods.

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