High resolution numerical modelling of the atmosphere and ocean
-Gilbert Brunet (Meteorological Service of Canada): Vortex Rossby wave in hurricanes: On the need for a high resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Strategy -Kazuhisa, Tsuboki (Nagoya University, Japan): High-resolution simulation experiments for typhoons using the cloud-resolving model on the Earth Simulator -Bill Skamarock (National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA): High-resolution numerical weather prediction: Are our models adequate? -Akira Noda (Japan Meteorological Research Institute): Global warming simulated with a super high resolution global climate model -Takeshi Enomoto (Earth Simulator Center, Japan): Meso-scale resolving simulations of global atmosphere -Agathe Untch (European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts, UK): High-resolution experimentation at ECMWF -Kevin Hamilton (University of Hawaii, USA): Gravity waves in high resolution atmospheric GCM simulations -John McGregor (CSIRO, Australia): Simulations using the conformal-cubic atmospheric model -Isidoro Orlanski (NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, USA): Why the simulation of mid latitude storm tracks requires high resolution -Nobumasa Komori (Earth Simulator Center, Japan): High-resolution simulation of coupled atmospheric-ocean system using the CFES model -Jing-Jia Luo (Frontier Research Center for Global Change, Japan): Seasonal climate predictability in a high-resolution coupled Ocean-Atmosphere GCM -Keiko Takahashi (earth Simulator Center, Japan): Impact of high resolution interaction between ocean and atmosphere -Hideharu Sasaki (Earth Simulator Center, Japan): Eddy-resolving simulation in the world ocean using the ocean GCM fort he Earth Simulator -Yukio Tanaka (Frontier Research Center for Global Change, Japan): Evaluation of eddy effect in the Southern Ocean using high resolution ocean model -George Nurser (Southhampton University, UK): Diagnosis of theupper ocean in the OCCAM high resolution ocean GCM