Resonant frequency and RCS of arbitrarily shaped microstrip antennas

Summary form only given. An application of the method of moments to determine the resonant frequency and monostatic RCS (radar cross section) of arbitrarily shaped microstrip patches is described. The electric field integral equation (EFIE) approach is extended to predict the RCS and resonant frequencies of arbitrarily shaped microstrip antennas. An arbitrarily shaped patch is first assumed to be enclosed by a rectangle. By dividing the rectangle into rectangular subdomains the surface current density over the patch is then expressed in terms of subdomain basis functions and a shape function. The shape function, which is 1/0 if the subdomain is inside/outside the patch, insures zero current outside the patch. The surface current density on the patch is determined by solving the EFIE. The variation of current density at the center of the patch as a function of frequency is shown.<<ETX>>