LCC analysis for civil infrastructure a cradle to grave approach
The LCC analysis is an engineering and economical optimization technique where the main goal is to identify and choose alternative that generates the highest revenue over lifetime or in other words generates the lower life cycle cost. LCC techniques have successfully been applied in many other capital-intensive industries to make optimal decision regarding investment in capital equipment. Furthermore since many underground and other rock structures remain in service for years, it is important to understand the need of maintenance for such structures. LCC analysis provides basis for decision making such as whether to design a structure that does not need any maintenance throughout its life time. Alternatively if a maintenance free structure is not possible due to the lack of knowledge of lack of technology, material etc or high cots then we select the alternative design for maintenance so that such structures can be inspected, maintained and operated easily and in a cost effective way. The maintenance program of underground or sub surface facilities in rock must be developed in accordance with the fundamental principle of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) for the purpose of managing maintenance work effectively and economically throughout the whole life of the infrastructures. This paper is introductory and expository in nature and discusses some of the issues associated operation and maintenance of rock structures/facilities with focus on LCC analysis.