Encoded Archival Description Tag Library, Version 2002 (review)
member states to international copyright conventions (Berne Convention, Universal Copyright Convention, Rome Convention, Geneva Convention on Phonograms, Brussels Convention, TRIPs Agreement, 1996 WIPO Copyright Treaty, and 1996 WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty), and (5) U.S. Copyright Agreements/ Relations with EU member countries. Overall, Film Copyright in the European Union will prove of most interest to lawyers (who should definitely review the chapters on contracts and moral rights), academics, film industry professionals, and those who deal with European copyright issues on a daily basis. The average moving image archivist will find useful the introduction, the exceptionally interesting chapter on the history of film protection in Europe, and those portions of subsequent chapters where key aspects of copyright principles are almost always explained succinctly and clearly. The book is up-to-date through January 1, 2001.