Applied Longitudinal Analysis

Preface.Acknowledgments.PART I: INTRODUCTION TO LONGITUDINAL AND CLUSTERED DATA.1. Longitudinal and Clustered Data.2. Longitudinal Data: Basic Concepts.PART II: LINEAR MODELS FOR LONGITUDINAL CONTINUOUS DATA.3. Overview of Linear Models for Longitudinal Data.4. Estimation and Statistical Inference.5. Modelling the Mean: Analyzing Response Profiles.6. Modelling the Mean: Parametric Curves.7. Modelling the Covariance.8. Linear Mixed Effects Models.9. Residual Analyses and Diagnostics.PART III: GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS FOR LONGITUDINAL DATA.10. Review of Generalized Linear Models.11. Marginal Models: Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE).12. Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Models.13. Contrasting Marginal and Mixed Effects Models.PART IV: ADVANCED TOPICS FOR LONGITUDINAL AND CLUSTERED DATA.14. Missing Data and Dropout.15. Some Aspects of the Design of Longitudinal Studies.16. Repeated Measures and Related Designs.17. Multilevel Models.Appendix A: Gentle Introduction to Vectors and Matrices.Appendix B: Properties of Expectations and Variances.Appendix C: Critical Points for a 50:50 Mixture of Chi-Squared Distributions.References.Index.