Analysis of Food and Nutrient Intake of Menu for Elementary School Foodservices in Seoul

This study was carried on the analysis of food and nutrient intake for elementary school foodservices in Seoul. The survey was conducted through the 200 menus submitted by the 5 elementary schools in Seoul. Energy and all nutrient intakes exceeded the Recommended Daily Allowances of Koreans. Carbohydrate provided 56.32% of total energy intake; protein accounted for 16.06%; fat provided 27.62%. Total intake of food was 549 g on the average, which consisted of 90.04 g cereals, 130.17 g vegetables, 31.56 g meats, 21.63 g fishes and 200.00 g milks. The basic menu patterns were Rice+Soup (or Stew)+Kimchi, and 2 other side dishes including milk. These data underscore the necessity of developing the 'Standard Menu' for elementary school foodservices.