Anti-Dumping and Distrust: Reducing Anti-Dumping Duties under the W.T.O. through Heightened Scrutiny

In the first week of February, 2010, the world's three largest trading entities1 all became directly involved in anti-dumping 2 disputes before the World Trade Organization (W.T.O.). China alleged that the European Union had improperly imposed anti-dumping duties on China's footwear exports,' while Vietnam alleged that the United States had imposed the same type of protectionist tariffs on its imported shrimp.4 This was not an extraordinary event as member-countries are constantly invoking Article VI, the W.T.O.'s antidumping provision, as both complainant and respondent. Whether W.T.O. members are initiating anti-dumping investigations on behalf of their domestic producers-there are over 200 investigations a year 5-or challenging another