65nm node gate pattern using attenuated phase shift mask with off-axis illumination and sub-resolution assist features

Among the valid gate pattern strategies for the 65nm technology node, att-PSM offers the advantage in cost and mask complexity over other contenders such as complimentary alt-PSM and chromeless phase lithography (CPL). A combination of Quasar illumination and sub-resolution assist features (SRAFs) provides a through pitch solution with a common depth of focus (DOF) better than 0.25um to support the aggressive scaling in both logic and high density SRAM. A global mask-source optimization scheme is adopted to explore the multi-dimensional space of process parameters and define the best overall solution that includes scanner optics such as NA and illumination, and SRAF placement rules for 1-dimensional line and space patterns through the full pitch range. Gate pattern capabilities in terms of DOF, exposure latitude, mask error enhancement factor (MEEF), optical proximity correction (OPC), CD control, and aberration sensitivity are reported in this paper. Conflict resolution and placement optimization are key to the success of implementation of SRAF to the complex 2-dimensional layouts of random logic. Reasonable CD control can be achieved based on the characterization and simulation of CD variations at different spatial and processing domains from local to across chip, across wafer, wafer-to-wafer, and lot-to-lot. Certain layout restrictions are needed for high performance devices which require a much tighter gate CD distribution. Scanner optimization and enhancement such as DoseMapper are key enablers for such aggressive CD control. The benefits, challenges, and possible extensions of this particular approach are discussed in comparison with other techniques.

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