Silicon sensor developments for the CMS Tracker upgrade

Preparing for the high-luminosity phase of LHC the CMS Tracker collaboration has started a campaign to identify the future planar silicon sensor technology baseline for a new Tracker. A variety of 6 inch wafers have been ordered in different thicknesses and technologies at HPK. Thicknesses ranging from 50μm to 300μm are explored on float-zone, magnetic Czochralski and epitaxial material both in n-in-p and p-in-n versions. p-stop and p-spray are explored as isolation technologies for the n-in-p type sensors as well as the feasibility of double metal routing on 6 inch wafers. To explore the limits of the technologies many different structures have been designed to answer different questions, e.g. geometry, Lorentz angle, radiation tolerance, annealing behavior, read-out schemes. This contribution provides an overview of the individual structures and their characteristics and summarizes measurements done on small strip sensors before and after irradiations.